
Osborne Saldanha

Osborne Saldanha

In pursuit of making a dent at the intersection of technology and financial services

💸 Dreaming with founders of a better financial future. Currently via EMVC.
✍🏼 Making fintech accessible at Fintech Inside and This Week in Fintech.
👥 Bringing communities together at Fintech Happy Hour and Work at a Fintech.

About: I have more than a decade of investing and operating experience - across stages (idea to growth) and regions (India, Southeast Asia and Europe). I am a first bench student of business strategies and find history of businesses intriguing. My special powers (under development) are developing deep market intelligence to support founders and building lasting relationships. You can read more about me and my journey here.

Aside from startups and businesses, I have many muses including photography, astronomy (the moon 😍), robotics, hiking/trekking, travel, food and more.

📍 Bangalore / Mumbai, India

PS: If you find typos or got ideas how to improve articles, feel free to send me an email