My Ten Year Plan (2020-2030)

Published on 11 Sept 20201 min read35 views

This is a personal post. I've had this idea for some time now and had to put it down in a post. I'm hoping this post becomes a guiding light in my professional journey as I navigate the next decade of my life.

Currently, I'm debating whether to make this post public because of my inherent fears of putting myself out there. I don't like it, personally. Time will tell if I publish this post publicly.

That said, getting down to it.

Short Term (2-3 years)
- Create a personal brand for Fintech or any other sector
- Do some angel investing and build a strong portfolio

Medium Term (4-7 years)
- Define a plan for a sector-focused micro/seed fund
- Launch a micro-fund (USD 5-10 mn) and build track record of managing external capital

Long Term (7-10 years)
- Launch a growth-stage fund (USD 100-200 mn)

The strategy is pretty simple and linear. Of course I don't expect things to be as linear, but merely intended to be a guiding light.

Meet me in ten years.


Note: All blogs posts till 2022 were migrated to this platform (react+next+tailwind). While all efforts were made to migrate wihtout any loss, the migration lost some images and broke a bunch of links in old posts. If you spot anything amiss, please notify me?