Favourite Quotes

Published on Jun 5, 20236 min read59 views

Living document of all my favourite quotes.

  1. I work out and keep myself healthy because I want my worst day to be better than someone else' best day. - Daniel Ek's neighbour Source
  2. The only disability in life is bad attitude - Scott Hamilton
  3. There is no historical precedent where you get all of these beneficial things (technological innovations) by starting from pessimism first. Pessimism doesn't get you to optimistic outcomes - Kevin Scott, CTO Microsoft Source
  4. Whatever the percentages, it’s (entrepreneurship) still the best system on Earth. I respect anyone who grinds hard for years to make useful products & services, even if it doesn’t work out in the end. - Elon Musk Source
  5. What's the point in telling everyone all that you know? It's a lot more fun to learn about things that you don't know. - Charlie Munger Source
  6. If you actually have to choose between the most experienced person, the most educated person or the person who actually wants it the most, you always pick the person who wants it the most. - Joshua Kushner, Founder, Thrive Capital Source
  7. Trust = competence + intent + consistency - attributed to Doug Leone Source
  8. Performance is something that we will give more time; behavior we won’t. And that’s because behavior is a choice, not a skill set. - Frank Slootman Source
  9. Culture is not a set of beliefs. It’s a set of actions. - Ben Horrowitz Source
  10. We don't make change, motherfucker! - Ben Horrowitz (to Jorge Conde on paying when late for meetings) Source
  11. Brilliant thinking is rare but courage is in even shorter supply than genius - Peter Theil Source
  12. You want to position yourself near opportunity. You don’t have to be that perfect. You want to position yourself near the tree. Even if you don’t catch the Apple before it hits the ground, so long as you’re the first one to pick it up. - Jensen Juang, CEO of NVidia Source
  13. We look for three things when we hire people: Intelligence, Initiative (energy) and Integrity.... you can't change the way you're wired much but you can change a lot of what you do with that wiring. - Warren Buffet Source
  14. The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they're too heavy to be broken. - Warren Buffet Source.
  15. "Never give up. Without commitment, you'll never start. But more importantly, without consistency, you'll never finish. It's not easy. So, keep working. Keep striving. Fall down seven times, get up eight. Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship. So, keep moving, keep growing, keep learning. See ya at work." - Denzel Washington Source
  16. "A players hire A players but B players hire C players and C's D's so the first B you hire takes the whole company down". Max Levchin, Cofounder, Affirm. Source
  17. "Ignore the received wisdom and try to approach investment problems from first principles and when you're confused, come back to them (received wisdom)". Nick Shalek, Partner, Ribbit Capital Source
  18. "Conviction is critical but certainity will kill you". Nick Shalek, Partner, Ribbit Capital Source
  19. "... it's the disease of thinking that a really great idea is 90% of the work and that if you just tell all the other people "here's a great idea" of course they can go and make it happen. The problem with that is there's a tremendous amount of craftsmanship in between a great idea and a great product. And as you evolve that great idea, it changes and grows, it never comes out like it starts, because you learn a lot more, you get into the subtilties. You also find there's tremendous trade offs that you have to make. There are certain things you can't make electrons do, there are certain things you can't make plastic do, or glass do or factories do, or robots do. As you get into all these things, designing a product is keeping 5,000 concepts in your brain and fitting them all together and continuing to push them together in new and different ways to get what you want. It's that process that is the magic." Steve Jobs, cofounder Apple. Source
  20. "Time and time again, the best companies are created with very little outside funding. It's guerrilla warfare vs. conventional warfare. The disruptors vs. the establishment. We've seen over and over again that companies which stay hungry and figure out how to do more with less end up developing much more staying power. It's a paradox which confounds investors with too much money to put to work - when it comes to creating companies built to last, less is more." - Ho Nam, Partner Altos Ventures Source
  21. "You can't ride on the fences" - Michael Jordan Source
  22. "What's the point of fearing death if you ain't living, my guy" - Rapper Hanumankind Source - Spotify
  23. "I can give my children everything in the world except for the one thing that made me who I am, which is my sense of desperation" - Doug Leone Source
  24. "The problem is we're in a details business. If you're just trying to separate good from bad, you don't necessarily need to be in the details. If you're trying to separate good from great and great from exceptional, the truly exceptional, like the one out of every couple thousand companies that's really going to matter, you've got to be in the details. Because the 10 or 15 that all look about the same from a distance are going to look very different when you get up close. And so when picking, you need to have the attitude, work ethic and tenacity of somebody who's earlier in their career and trying to prove themselves, coupled with the experience and the knowledge of somebody who's actually been around and seen a little bit of that" - Pat Grady, Partner, Sequoia. Source

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