Covid-19 - Recommended Changes to Pitch Decks
Published on 15 Apr 2020 ⸱ 2 min read ⸱ 32 views

Cross posting from my LinkedIn profile
Founders! If you're looking to raise funds in this market environment, make these additions to your pitch deck. These changes could help make your fund raise process more productive.
Impact of Covid-19: Include the impact on your industry, impact on your business and steps you've taken to deal with the impact. Cover changes to team, operations, cost reductions, business continuity plan and so on.
Cash flow scenario analysis: Provide various scenarios of how your cash flows will look in a base & worst case (assuming the worst happens). Do point out how you believe revenue and net margins will look in both cases. This is important because we are yet to fully understand how people's behaviour or spending habits change post Covid-19
Unit economics: include UE pre-Covid, during-Covid and steady state.
General Pointers
- Make informed assumptions wherever possible
- Quantify statements across the deck
- Keep your sentences up to 12 words. Anything more than that becomes difficult to comprehend
Lastly, offering to review your pitch deck and make suggestions to improve it. If you'd like a review, please select a time to discuss. Click this link to schedule a call.
Please note: this is only a review of your pitch deck not a pitch session
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